Cost of a Guinea Pig: A Complete Price Guide


I’m sitting here looking at the new cage we just bought and all the bedding and bags of food, and I realized I should really work out how much our guinea pigs cost. But I figured why not go one step further and compile ALL costs of a guinea pig.

In this article, I am going to cover every possible cost of a guinea pig you can think of. I will cover the necessary startup costs, monthly upkeep costs, potential vet costs and more. It’s all here.

Jump to:

  1. Initial Startup Costs
  2. Monthly Costs
  3. Optional Extra Costs
  4. Vet Costs
  5. The Overall Cost

But before we get ahead of ourselves, we need to know how much a guinea pig costs.

How Much Does a Guinea Pig Cost

Getting your first guinea pigs is actually going to be one of the smaller costs. Now I say ‘guinea pigs’ rather than just one guinea pig, as they are highly sociable creatures that do not fare well by themselves. So please, only consider getting guinea pigs if you are willing to get at least two.

The cost of one guinea pig on average is around $20 (£20). This price will stay roughly the same whether you buy from a pet shop, a breeder, or adopt from a rescue shelter.

This cost may differ greatly if you are intending to get a specific breed of guinea pig, and depends largely on their rarity. For example; a Skinny Pig could cost anywhere from $50 – $100 (£50 – £100).

Adopt a Guinea Pig

I wouldn’t personally go to a guinea pig breeder and I know a lot of seasoned owners would agree with me. There are already far too many guinea pigs in rescue shelters that need a home, so please consider adopting. Here is where you can adopt from the US and the UK:

United States Adoption

United Kingdom Adoption

Initial Startup Costs

The startup costs will be the deciding factor on whether you are ready to be a guinea pig owner or not. These items are absolutely necessary for getting your first guinea pigs.

Below I have put together a handy table detailing everything you will need, the average individual and total cost, and made a separate table for products that I would personally recommend – most of which I use for my guinea pigs.

Guinea Pig Startup Kit:

Item Cost (US Dollars) Cost (British Pounds)
Cage $50 – $90 £55 – £70
Bedding $7 – $70 £5 – £65
Hideaway/House $5 – $25 £3 – £20
Food Bowl $2 – $11 £3 – £11
Water Bottle $5 – $10 £2 – £8
Grass Hay $4 – $30 £4 – £30
Vitamin C Pellets $6 – $30 £5 – £30
  Total Average Total
  $172.50 £155.50

As you can see, the average startup costs for guinea pigs will be roughly $172.50, or £155.50.

Please note that I have only taken into consideration the prices of products that are suitable for guinea pigs. Things like overly small cages and dust-filled bedding were excluded.

My Recommended List:

Item Recommended Product
Cage SONGMICS Pet Playpen + Coroplast Sheets
Bedding Kaytee Clean and Cozy Super Absorbent Paper Bedding
Hideaway/House Kaytee Igloo Hideaway
Food Bowl All-in-one Bowl & Hay Feeder
Water Bottle Any none-drip water bottle
Grass Hay Timothy Hay
Vitamin C Pellets Kaytee/Wag Twitch Pellets with added vitamin C
  Estimated Cost Total of Recommended Products
  $133.53 / £117.83

So if you were to purchase the products that I recommend you will make an estimated saving of $38.97, or £37.67. These are not cheap options either and are items I would or do personally use. The health and wellbeing of guinea pigs is always the main focus here.

Click here for a complete list of my recommended items on Amazon.

The Main Price Differences

You’ve probably noticed in the startup cost table that the two main differences in price are going to come from the cost of a guinea pig cage, and the cost of guinea pig bedding.

The cage and bedding you choose to buy will depend largely on personal preference, but there are some important factors to consider. Let’s take a more in-depth look at these two costs.

How Much is a Guinea Pig Cage

Average Cage Cost: $50 – $90 (£55 – £70)

Choosing the right guinea pig cage is one of the most important things to consider. A cage will be the most expensive startup cost, but it will also be the thing that lasts the longest. Therefore buying the right one really matters.

The specific cages that I chose to decide the average price will cost between $50 – $90 (£55 – £70), though there are some cages that could be 2-3 times more expensive.

The cage that I recommend is the Songmics Pet Playpen. This is a customizable C&C cage and is the cage we have for our two guinea pigs. This will cost around $55 – $65 (£40 – £50).

The best thing about this cage is that you can customize it to be any shape and size you want. You can build it so it has one or multiple floors, and if you want to increase its size you can easily do so by purchasing more grid panels.

The only downside is that – yes – you will have to build it yourself, so beware if you detest DIY. You may also need to consider buying corrugated plastic to build a base and a ramp. Trust me though, it’s easier than it sounds and we actually had a lot of fun making ours.

For those of you that absolutely hate DIY, a great alternative is the Midwest Guinea Pig Habitat. This will be slightly more expensive than the Songmics cage but will be easier to setup. It also has some customization and expansion options but is a lot more limited than a C&C cage.

Avoid Small ‘Starter Cages’

Guinea pigs need a lot of cage space. Keeping guinea pigs in cages that are too small will negatively impact their health, so getting a big cage from the start is crucial.

Something that really bothers me is the number of pet shops and websites that recommend and sell ‘starter cages’. This wording tricks people into thinking these are the ideal cages to get when you first get guinea pigs – but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

The majority of these ‘starter cages’ are nothing more than large hamster cages and shouldn’t even be considered for guinea pigs. The absolute minimum cage size for one guinea pig is around 7.75 square feet (7200 square centimeters).

Read my guinea pig cage size guide here.

How Much Does Guinea Pig Bedding Cost

Average Disposable Bedding Cost: $7 – $15 (£5 – £15)

The initial cost of guinea pig bedding will be a fairly low expense, but this is obviously something you will need to repeatedly buy so the cost mounts up over time.

The bedding that I recommend in the startup kit is paper-based bedding. This is disposable bedding that will need to regularly purchase but is an affordable startup option. Other disposable beddings you could use include:

  • Aspen wood shavings
  • Paper granules
  • Hemp

Disposable bedding will cost around $7 – $15 (£5 – £15) depending on bag size, brand and the type of bedding.

There are a few types of bedding you should completely avoid. These are:

  • Straw/hay – is not absorbant and is too sharp and pointy.
  • Pine/cedar shavings – contain dust and chemicals that will cause respiratory issues in guinea pigs

Investing in Reusable Fleece Bedding

Average Fleece Bedding Cost: $15 – $55 (£18 – £60) for one set.

Disposable bedding will start off at a low cost, but it gets used up quickly and will really hurt your wallet over time. This is where fleece cage liners really shine.

Fleece cage liners will cost between $15 – $55 (£18 – £60) depending on the brand, quality, and the size needed to fit your cage.

Realistically this cost will be at least double, as you will need spare sets to swap out whilst you wash and dry the dirty set. The initial hefty cost and the need to constantly wash fleece bedding is what puts most people off from using them.

Of course, the advantage of fleece bedding is that after the initial purchase, the only cost will come from machine washing them. But does this actually save money?

Does Fleece Bedding Save Money Over Time?

Working out if fleece bedding will save money over time isn’t all that easy. There are a lot of variables to consider with disposable bedding such as the type of bedding, cage size, and how much you use to fill the cage.

The quality and brand of the fleece bedding should also be considered, as you will need to pay a lot more for long-lasting fleece.

However, for this calculation, I am going to use extreme opposite ends of the scale for both types of bedding. I will assume:

  • The lowest possible cost for one bag (per month) of disposable bedding.
  • The highest possible cost for two sets of high-quality fleece bedding. I will also use a high average cost of 45p to run a washing machine and assume you wash the fleece every 5 days.

Cost of Disposable Bedding vs Fleece Bedding:

Disposable BeddingFleece Bedding
Initial Cost$7 (£7)$115 (£115)
Monthly Cost$7 (£7) for a new bag$3.15 (£3.15) for washing
Cost After 1 Year$84 (£84)$37.80 (£37.80) for washing
Total Cost After 1 Year $84 (£84) $152.80 (£152.80) for initial cost & washing
Cost After 5 Years$420 (£420)$189 (£189) for washing
Total Cost After 5 Years$420 (£420)$304 (£304) for initial cost & washing

The most noteworthy thing about these results is that fleece definitely will save money in the long run.

In this example, in the first year, disposable bedding will still be half as expensive as fleece. But fleece is bedding for the long term, and after 5 years you can expect an overall saving of at least $116 (£116).

Click here to check fleece bedding prices on Amazon.

Remember that this is using an extreme example. Disposable bedding could cost you at least double than what I’ve listed here, and you can find cheaper fleece. The savings you could make are likely to be even greater.

As guinea pigs are also a long term commitment it would make sense to invest in fleece bedding.

In fact, even if fleece didn’t work out to be less expensive, I would still use it for our guinea pigs as I know it is far more comfortable and pleasant for them than other bedding.


Average Hideaway Cost: $5 – $25 (£3 – £20)

Guinea pigs in the wild are prey animals so as a result, they have developed a strong fight-or-flight instinct. This is why guinea pigs can seem nervous and will run and hide when you approach them. This is perfectly normal behavior and being able to hide makes them feel safe.

For this reason, it is important to provide several hideaways or houses that your guinea pigs can retreat to. Without a place to hide they will become stressed very quickly.

Hideaways are an inexpensive cost so there’s no reason not to get them. I recommend plastic or wood hideaways as they are easy to clean. There are fabric hideaways but these require machine washing, won’t last as long, and are usually more expensive.

A simple cardboard box will make for a fantastic free alternative. They will need occasionally replacing though as they aren’t easily cleanable.

Food Bowl / Hay Feeder

Average Food Bowl Cost: $2 – $11 (£3 – £11)

Unless you want guinea pig food and hay sprawled all over the place, you’re going to need a food bowl or two. Basic food bowls cost very little so it’s worth buying a few, which consequently will reduce dinnertime arguments.

You should also consider getting some kind of hay holder to reduce cage mess. A simple toilet roll tube will suffice but if you want something fancier, I would recommend getting an all-in-one food bowl and hay rack.

Water Bottle

Average Water Bottle Cost: $5 – $10 (£2 – £8)

A water bottle is an obvious requirement for any small cage pet. You should not use a water bowl for guinea pigs as they will most certainly tip it over, making their bedding wet, and them thirsty.

Any standard pet water bottle will do, but I recommend spending a little extra to get a non-drip water bottle.

Grass Hay

Average Grass Hay Cost: $4 – $30 (£4 – £30)

Guinea pigs absolutely cannot go without hay as it makes up for approximately 85% of their diet. Furthermore, guinea pigs teeth will never stop growing, and hay it is perfect for grinding their teeth down and keeping them short. For this reason, you will need to provide your guinea pigs with a constant supply of good quality hay.

As you can imagine, your guinea pigs are going to get through a bag of hay quite quickly. Therefore, hay will be one of the more expensive monthly costs, second only to disposable bedding.

Keep in mind that not all hay is suitable for guinea pig consumption, so only purchase feed quality grass hay. The best type of hay to get for guinea pigs is Timothy hay.

Vitamin C Pellets

Average Food Pellets Cost: $6 – $30 (£5 – £30)

Food pellets will make up for the second largest portion of their diet, but they won’t need a huge amount. One guinea pig will need between 30-50 grams of pellets every day, which is about a handful.

A standard 10kg bag of pellets at 30-50g per serving will last:

  • One guinea pig: 200-300 days (about 8 months)
  • Two guinea pigs: 100-150 days (about 4 months)
  • Three guinea pigs: 66-111 days (about 2-3 and a half months)
  • Four guinea pigs: 50-83 days (about 2 months)

Therefore, the cost of pellets is going to be very low. It is important to note that the pellets you buy must contain added vitamin C, as guinea pigs can’t naturally produce it.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

Average Fruit & Veg Cost: $10 – $40 (£8 – £35) per month

The average cost of fruit and vegetables for guinea pigs is one of the harder calculations to make. Most households are going to be buying fruit and veg regardless of having guinea pigs, so you will likely always have something to spare.

Guinea pigs require a variety of vegetables, particularly leafy greens, at least a couple of times per week. Although some people provide veg every day or two, hence why working out the cost is so difficult.

Important – Fruits contain a high amount of sugar so should only be given as a treat once or twice per week.

Cost of a Guinea Pig Per Month

Now that you have an idea of how much a guinea pig costs initially, we need to look at what the monthly costs are going to be. Knowing the monthly cost of guinea pigs will help you decide how much you need to set aside each month.

In the table below I will list all the items that you will need to purchase monthly, and again work out the average individual and total cost. These costs are based on having 2-4 guinea pigs.

If you decide to use fleece bedding you can replace the monthly bedding costs with machine washing costs. Washing fleece bedding will cost roughly $3.15 (£3.15) each month.

Essential Monthly Costs:

ItemCost (US Dollars)
Per Month
Cost (British Pounds)
Per Month
Disposable Bedding$20 – $60£18 – £55
Vitamin C Pellets$1.5 – $3.5£1.25 – £3.5
Grass Hay$4 – $30£4 – £30
Fresh Fruit & Veg$10 – $40£8 – £35
Total Avg. Monthly Cost$84.50£77.37
Total Avg. Cost After 1 Year$1,014.00£928.44

To sum up, the cost of guinea pigs per month will on average be around $84.50 (£77.37). Although this cost may be higher if buying more expensive brands, or if you have more than four guinea pigs.

Click here for a quick list of these essential monthly items and their prices on Amazon.

Optional Extra Costs

There are a few things that you might consider getting for your guinea pigs as a little extra treat. Although these are loosely optional items, they will go a long way to improving the overall health and happiness of your guinea pigs.


Average Toys Cost: $2 – $30 (£2 – £30), or free if you make them yourself.

Spoiling a guinea pig with toys is something that most owners find hard to resist. They are our little fur-babies after all. But providing a guinea pig with new toys actually helps improve and sustain their health.

Just like with people, guinea pigs can actually become depressed if they are constantly bored. This can lead to all sorts of health problems, and usually obesity due to inactivity.

A new toy will give guinea pigs something new to explore and interact with, preventing them from becoming bored and lethargic.

There isn’t a week that goes by where I or my partner don’t come home with a new guinea pig toy.

An example of a guinea pig toy could be something as simple as a tunnel tube or a hideaway. A favorite toy for our guinea pigs is an interactive snack ball. Though if you’re a little creative, you can make your own toys for free.

Edible Treats

Average Edible Treats Cost: $2 – $15 (£3 – £20)

Similar to toys, edible treats are a great way to keep a guinea pig from becoming bored. They also have the added bonuses of not only filling their bellies but also keeping their ever-growing teeth short.

Edible treats come in many varieties such as chew sticks and edible food bowls. Just be certain that these treats are labeled as suitable for guinea pigs.

Outdoor Run

Average Outdoor Run Cost: $25 – $100 (£20 – £90)

During the warmer months, you may want to let your guinea pigs outdoors. Most guinea pigs will find outdoor time enjoyable as they can nibble on fresh grass, discover new smells, and will appreciate the fresh air.

On the cheaper end of the scale, there are metal playpens that come with a cover. You could also opt for a wooden outdoor run or even a run with a hutch. These are going to be more expensive but are more practical for regular garden use.

Grooming Items

Average Grooming Items Cost: $2 – $18 (£4 – £20)

Guinea pigs will need occasional grooming, and whilst you can go to professional groomers for this it is more convenient to do it yourself. Grooming a guinea pig yourself will also create a stronger bond and trust over time.

These are the grooming items you may want:

  • Nail Clippers – keeps nails from growing too long and curling into their foot pad.
  • Brush/Comb – removes knots, particularly in longhaired guinea pigs, and helps check for static fur mites.
  • Guinea Pig Safe Shampoo – stops the buildup of dirt to prevent illness and insecticidal shampoos eliminate mites and lice.

You can purchase these items separately or as complete grooming kits, which are inexpensive and will last several years.

Guinea Pig Vet Costs

Covering guinea pig vet costs in depth would be its own article, as there are too many things to consider. That being said, I can list the standard vet costs but they may vary depending on where you live.

US Vet Costs:

  • Checkup – $32
  • Antibiotics – $20
  • Neutering – $100
  • Steroid Injection – $45

UK Vet Costs:

  • Checkup – £25
  • Antibiotics – £15
  • Neutering – £80
  • Steroid Injection – £35

Take into account that these prices are a rough average and that specialized exotic pet veterinarians will often charge more.

It is good practice to always have some money set aside in case of unforeseen vet bills.

Summary – The Overall Cost

The table below shows the overall total cost of startup costs and monthly costs but excludes the optional and vet bill costs.

The Overall Cost of Guinea Pigs:

Total Cost Per (..)Cost (US Dollars)Cost (British Pounds)
6 Years$6,256.50£5,726.14

The overall cost of a guinea pig and their upkeep works out to be surprisingly expensive, so make absolutely sure you can afford it before getting your first guinea pigs.

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